Our city of Apple Valley, Minnesota got 14” of snow in a storm on Monday. The snow was the most since a storm in 2010, which brought down the roof of the old Metrodome.

Snowfall totals from a graphic made by the meteorologist I work with at WCCO
This was also the most snow we’ve had in a single day since moving into our home in 2013. The night the storm hit, I took Winnie for a walk in it. She loved the snow!
Storms like this also validate owning such a big pickup truck. There were 6 vehicles abandoned in our development, stuck in place because plows don’t get to us until the day after big snowstorms.
I spent the day Tuesday morning helping neighbors clear snow from their driveways. Some had just finished shoveling, when the plow finally came around, leaving a 2 foot pile at the end of their driveway. My neighbor snapped this picture of me doing something I love, using my snowblower!