New Front Screen Door


Old and dingy.

Your front door is one of the first things people see when entering your home.  This storm door wasn’t say’n much other than “good luck getting 30 years of grime off me”.  Also notice how it opens on the left side, which is oddly awkward when guests arrive. “Welcome, let me just open this door into your face!”

We looked for storm doors at several stores, but found the largest selection (and competent help) at our local Lowe’s.  The store is roughly five miles further than Home Depot and Menards and for whatever reason, had fewer customers on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, so we had an easier time  finding someone to help answer questions. The person we worked with listened to our needs and talked us into the Larson Signature.  We wanted a door with both storm glass for winter and a screen for summer.  But we did not want the screen to open, because we don’t like the look of a bar in the middle of the screen (example: click on this link).  This was also another great example of how much we are using my parent’s truck this summer!


Required: 8ft bed

We unloaded the door right in the driveway and opened the box for ease of installation.


They don’t waste much packaging space.

After we removed the old door, Sara took a few moments to clear away 30 years of grime.


The instructions came double-sided.  We needed to look for the side that said “left hinge” as we were planning to reverse the direction of the door from what was previously installed (example below).


After a few minutes of feeling overwhelmed by the directions poster, I decided to tape them to the door to the garage for easy viewing (and pop a Ritalin).


Holy complicated batman!

You’ll notice we have the correct hinge direction that we want.  “Left Hinge.”


The photo below shows the door suspended on a single screw. This is the first screw to hold the door in place.


Mike working to secure the remaining screws on the hinge.

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Sara’s thought process through this project: “are we sure we’re doing this right?”


Complicated door mechanism time.


Slow process.

One of the final pieces we installed.  These door closers have really made some advancements in recent years.  They now have a part that you can hit with your shoe to keep the door from closing.  Smart!




Lining everything up.

The cats were eagerly waiting to check out the new screen door.  Robert, who you see on the right, watched us intently through most of this installation. He was very excited about finally being able to watch birds out front!


Finished door!


Robert still watching.


The cats approve.

Another view of the finished door.  Such a huge improvement.


– Mike

Cut ‘Em Down and Pull ‘Em Out

The best kind of motivation comes from friends and family. Last weekend, Mike and I were lucky enough to have both groups at our home spurring us on to continue with some much needed yard work. As we’ve previously posted, Mike has been steadily ripping down the old rotted red fencing around the backyard, creating large piles in various corners of the lot. With all the extra hands we had available last weekend, we were finally able to move some of these to the dump!


Exhibit A. This was the fence removal in progress, as you can see Mike would move all posts to one location for removal later.

Our lucky helpers were Chris and Tara, who you’ve met previously in Let’s Pull Out Some Trees!, and my parents, Gary and Cindy, who were introduced in Family and the Washer/Dryer.

The morning started with a quick run to a friend’s house to pick up some items, mostly old furniture, that they asked us to take to the dump in one of our many anticipated loads. Winnie was very excited about sniffing these new treasures.


Just as a side note, Mike and I did have a brief discussion about keeping this chair that was destined for the dump, simply because we thought Winnie was attached. The chair did not stay, and Winnie has gotten over the loss.


This was the first load of fencing, notice how rotten most if it was. GROSS.


Mike’s happy place. There is something about Verlo men, and their love of the dump. I wish I could explain it, but after 7 years I’m still baffled. I’m sure it has to do with the curiosity of seeing what other people throw away. The rule is, NOTHING can come back from the dump.

After the fencing was cleared, Mike was able to get the big truck backed into the yard for the real exciting projects of the day: Stump Removal!

Truck Pulling Trunk 1

This was victim 1, an overgrown bush that we cut back last summer.

Truck Pulling Trunk 2


Truck Pulling Trunk 3


Truck Pulling Trunk 4
Truck Pulling Trunk 5
Man is triumphant.
The offending stump.

See it now in motion:

Victim #2
Stump number 2
This next removal was the first of our overgrown evergreens to go. Eventually we’ll be removing all 4 from the back of the lot, as they no longer are healthy, and could even be considered a fire hazard considering how dry they’ve become.
Stump number 2 b
Attempt to pull out #1. Didn’t budge an inch.
chainsaw to stump
Chris decides that we should be pulling from a higher location on the stump, so he creates a notch in the back for the pull cable to hook onto.
chainsaw to stump 2
This fooled no one, he just wanted to use his chainsaw one last time that day. The notch did nothing.
hard time pulling out stump 2
Attempt #2 to pull. This didn’t work either. We ended up having to pull from another angle, and re-position the tow cable twice. Eventually the guys were able to get ‘er out.
Man is victorious once again.
Winnie gets lots of attention on project days.

The Other-Other Yard-related project of the day… the south side of the house.


I didn’t know we had hosta’s on that side of the house until this spring!

This was the area that Mom and I focused on for the afternoon. This side of the house was previously featured in Let’s Pull Out Some Trees! This was the side of the house that contained the ENORMOUS Bush, which was finally dug out with the help of my brother, David and our good friend, Eric. This was the “Before”:


Mike and Eric working to get the ENORMOUS stump out. You can see that we were still also working on fence removal.


Hard to believe, but this is progress. Slowly but surely our yard is emerging out from behind 30 years of shade.

After a long day of hard work we sat on our back porch and enjoyed a beer while watching the sun set behind the remaining back fence wall.

Thanks again for reading!
